Make it special!
Thinking of a wedding abroad? Perhaps a wedding on a picture-perfect beach? We are the most dedicated wedding planning company in Seychelles! A pedantic European approach to quality & service with a warm heart of the Islands. Get married in Seychelles and you will have your honeymoon for free!
in Seychelles since 2006!
When you get married in Seychelles, you get your honeymoon for free!
Our story begins on February 24th, 2006 when a young couple, Kate and Ruslan, celebrated their love story at Anse Source D`Argent beach on La Digue. They were so touched by their experience and the beauty of the Islands that they relocated to Seychelles and lived there ever since.
They were so touched by their experience and the beauty of the Islands that they chose to relocate to Seychelles 5 years later and lived there ever since, now raising 2 beautiful children
Two decades later,Kate and Ruslan are still happy together and are now running a successful International wedding agency from the Island of Mahe. Organising weddings for others became a true passion for the adventurous couple because they knew exactly how to create a dreamlike beach wedding experience
Over the years, they mastered the fine craft of wedding planning and managed to build a strong team through handpicking talented decorators, florists, celebrants, photographers, musicians, dancers, chauffeurs and translators to create truly life-lasting experiences for their clients.
Experience trouble-free service
Granitic rocks, white sandy beaches, turqoise water that is always warm, abundant marine life and rain forests. Getting married in Seychelles is very easy and convenient for the UAE residents because our company provides the complete turn-key solution:
The wedding ceremony (in-room or on the beach) with awesome decorations and all logistics taken care of
Beauty specialists , make-up artists, photographers and musicians
Awesome decorations
All legal work (marriage certificate issuing and attestation at the UAE Embassy in Seychelles and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOF))
Celebrate your love story!
Our photo gallery can give you a better idea of our services. Check our our Instagram as well for the most recent content.
View allFinest Airlines & Hubs
Reach the paradise islands of Seychelles from over 190 destinations with the world's leading airlines: Emirates, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines, Etihad and Ethiopian. Fly better with convenient connections (or stopovers) in Dubai, Doha, Istanbul, Abu Dhabi & Addis Ababa.
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